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Goal Setting

3 Realistic Money Goals for the New Year

With the turning over of the New Year, financial resolutions are almost as common as health-related resolutions. Everyone wants to lose that weight. Everyone wants to get…

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Benefits of Financial Coaching

It’s resolution season! For many of us that means picking up the weights, tightening the belt and watching that Netflix documentary about tidying up. If tightening the…

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Mini Financial Freedom Plan

This week we celebrate the anniversary of our nation’s freedom.  It’s also a great time to craft a liberating plan of your own.  Here are four steps…

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3-Step Fall Financial Checkup

The first day of Fall Equinox is September 23 which happens to be my birthday. Me – laughs a little too loud. Wipes away a tear drop.…

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Get Started with IRIS

Financial health happens when you partner with IRIS! Securely submit your financial information to IRIS and receive a free, comprehensive financial plan within hours! This plan is reviewed by one of our live Certified Financial Specialists. It's the first step on your journey to financial health!