Benefits of Financial Coaching

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It’s resolution season! For many of us that means picking up the weights, tightening the belt and watching that Netflix documentary about tidying up. If tightening the belt and saving money is what you’re focusing on this year, I’ve got good news for you. Have you heard of financial coaching? I can describe it best by saying it’s like having a mixture of a personal trainer and a gym accountability partner for your finances. A financial coach motivates you, supports you, shares resources and holds you accountable to your financial goals. It’s awesome. There are A LOT of benefits to financial coaching. Here are a few of my faves (and some you might not expect):

Increased Savings

For most people, saving for something, whether it be an emergency savings account, a car or a down payment on a house, is the ultimate goal. Well, with financial coaching—it happens! The average Apprisen coaching participant saves $2,491 dollars over the course of the program.

Less Stress

Did you know finances are the number one cause of stress in America? Nearly half (47%) of people report they are stressed dealing with their financial situation. Having a financial coach helps ease that stress by getting all your information out on the table and creating a workable plan to guide you through your financial challenges.  As one of our coaching clients, Holly, said, “our work with our coach brought us deeply into our financial situation and our stress levels dropped very quickly!”

More Confidence

As you work with your financial coach, you’ll find new budget resources, learn the secrets of credit scoring, and realize that you’re more financially savvy than you think—or at least you’re on your way there. And increased financial confidence isn’t just a nice feeling, it also translates into better decision making and future planning.
These are a few things you can expect to gain from financial coaching. However, there is more: think increased credit scores, less debt, more productivity at work. If you are interested contact us at 800-355-2227 or visit our service page to learn more about financial coaching.

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